Science: Students worked on lab re-do's and watched Bill Nye "Static Electricity". Lab re-do's are due on Monday.
Geometry: 10.2 Notes (arc measures). 10.2 worksheet is homework.
Course 3: Austin- All students got to pick from 3 math activities. No homework.
LA - worked on Adverbs packet. Due Tuesday 3/26. Students had the opportunity to complete it in class. HW - grammar packet
Journalism - worked on rough drafts and packet #3. HW - finish articles. Due on 3/29
Social Studies: Students worked on chapter 13 assessment and reviewed for chapter 13 quiz. Homework is to study for quiz on Monday. Homework folder Wednesday.
Spanish 1: We looked at the new vocabulary and kids made Spanish tabu cards and finished the 2-2 exam. There is no homework.
Spanish 8: The kids made large people posters to practice clothing and colors in Spanish. There is no homework.