Monday, November 2, 2015

Ramin - ELA

- Collected reading/writing journals
- Grammar: Unit 1 (1.5 & 1.6)

- Read (avg/30 min. a night)
- Finish Grammar 1.5 & 1.6

Important Dates
W 11/4: All AR quizzes due; 3rd RBR due

Dixon Language & Literature

Classwork: Grammar Unit 1, Lessons 5 and 6
Homework: Independent reading. AR quizzes and Reader Book Records are due this Friday.

Individuals and Societies

-Students were introduced to, and began to work on, chapter 5 in class today.
-Homework is to complete 5.1 section assessment and to explain what is the most important influence on the Constitution, and why.  Influences can be found on pages 156/157.


Science- Monday, November 2

Classwork: Continued typing final drafts of "How Fast Am I?" summative assessment. We also went over the rubric, which can be found in the Science folder.

Homework: Finish typing lab, it is due by 5:00 Wednesday for Ms. Throm & Mrs. LaRaia's classes. Mrs. Wilcox's classes have until Thursday because of internet issues last Friday.

Discussion Starters: Have students use the rubric to self-assess their lab.

Geometry- Monday, November 2

Classwork: Took the rotation quiz.

Homework: None

Discussion Starters: How are rotations defined? How could you do a rotation in the coordinate plane without using the "rules" for coordinate rotations?

Canvasser 11.2.15 Monday

RR ELA- Reading Logs are due today. If you did not turn one in today I will take it Wednesday (11.4.15)
New reading logs are due Monday (11.9.15) Students should be reading a minimum of 20 minutes (5 days a week)
*Do not forget the short reader's response section! Along with a parent signature!*

RR Math- In class we went over their test.
Blue group finish your workbook pages if not completed in class.