Science: Went over the refraction homework and took the light "Quest". No homework, we will begin reviewing for the final exam tomorrow. Final exam is Monday, June 6.
Geometry: Continued reviewing for the final exam. Final is Thursday, June 2.
Social Studies: Students reviewed homework folders and quizzes, discussed 18.1 and began to work on 18.2 section assessment in class. Homework is to complete 18.2 section assessment. Current events due "C" and "F" days.
Pre-Algebra: We started lesson 8.6 (writing linear equations). Homework-worksheet 8.6, # 1 - 8.
Algebra: 11-3 (Solving Radical Expressions). Upcoming Events: Test on Ch. 11/12 (2nd/4th hour) Thursday 6/2 (5th hour) Friday 6/3; Final Exam June 9/10
LA - students typed up their final drafts. If they did not finish they are to get it done either at home or in school. HW - working on final drafts.