Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Greer - 8th Grade Science

Greer - 8th Grade Science
Isaac Newton worksheets are due Thursday, November 17.  All lab corrections are due Friday, November 18.

Math 8 - Stone

Our quiz/check up is tomorrow. Today we completed stations!

Study tonight and come prepared tomorrow to take the check up!

Canvasser 11.16.16 Wednesday Update

RR ELA- Green group should turn in their color and symbol worksheet, if you did not turn one in on Monday ( 11.14.16)  


Classwork: Continued working with triangle proofs.

Homework: Proof Practice 2        

Coming Soon! Group Quiz Tomorrow

Canvasser 11.16.16 Wednesday

Due to the PSAT schedule 7th grade students had a sub for hours 3-5

RR ELA- The reading logs are due Monday ( 11.21.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes for five days a week. Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days.

RR Math- The signed math packet and multiplication sheet are due on/before Thursday (12.1.16) the math test will also be on Thursday ( 12.1.16) . The math notes, workbook pages, and homework packet are great study tools!

*Bring your AR books to class and home daily!*


Classwork: We reviewed the Unit 1 test and discussed the answers while reflecting on our mistakes. We then moved into our next unit by reading and taking notes on Newton's 1st Law of Motion. Students will be keeping their notes in an outline, packet format for this entire unit. Blank copies can be found in the Science Folder.