Science: Worked on our "What is Safe?" project. Circuit and write-up are due on Friday, March 19. Electricity test is Thursday, March 25.
Geometry: 9.2 notes in class (properties of matrices). 9.2 worksheet is homework. Chapter 9 "Quest" Wednesday, March 24.
Algebra: Chapter 8 Quiz tomorrow 8.1-8.3
Algebra 2: Finish 9.6 homework. Chapter 9 Test is on Monday.
Course 3: We went over the probability game and reviewed for our Chapter test tomorrow. Austin- We reviewed for our chapter 7 test tomorrow.
Pre Algebra: Students received their project criteria and we started working on it in class.
Spanish 1: Please do the worksheet of page 48. Do all the exercises and write actividad 21 out in full sentences.
Spanish 8: Tomorrow is the oral quiz over the five sentences from La televisiĆ³n es importante.
LA - Checked adjectives grammar packet. Finishing up "To Kill a Mockingbird". HW - study for adjective quiz on Friday.
Journalism - worked on and checked "Newspaper War" packet. HW - work on rough drafts which are due 3/23
Social Studies: Homework folders were returned today. Students shared current events in class. No homework.