Geometry: Completed an activity to demonstrate triangle congruence, went over the 4.2 worksheet and took notes on 4.3 (SSS congruence postulate). The 4.3 worksheet is homework. 4.1-4.5 quiz is on Monday.
ELA- Students were given the hour to work independently on reading The Giver chapters 11-15, work on their Reader's Journals, find definitions for this week's vocabulary, or take AR quizzes for this marking period. FYI, when we finish The Giver I will be taking the classes to the Media Center for lessons on picking a "just right book", and requiring them to have a "just right" Science Fiction novel to read. They may bring in their own or check one out that day, but all must read another Science Fiction novel. The Lois Lowry series seems to be catching many student's interest :) Homework - Definitions, Reader's Journal, and Writer's Journal Entry #45 (or 5 for this marking period)
Humanities: Students completed daily writing and analyzed the election results. Chapter 3 Assessment and current events are due Friday.
course 3: We started to talk about multiplying fractions. Homework- worksheet 5.3, # 1 - 6.
Pre-Algebra: Handed in our quizzes. They should be graded in time to go on the report cards. Homework: Graphing inequalities evens only.
Algebra: Homework: last 2 problems of the notes. We are having a test a week from today (11/14) over sections 6.4-6.6
Pre-Algebra: Handed in our quizzes. They should be graded in time to go on the report cards. Homework: Graphing inequalities evens only.
Algebra: Homework: last 2 problems of the notes. We are having a test a week from today (11/14) over sections 6.4-6.6