Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday, February 10

Science: Investigated the relationship between voltage, resistance and current in a circuit by test the current flowing through "mystery" resistors. 

Geometry: Developed triangle area formula based on trigonometry. Homework is to complete the practice on page 176. Trigonometry test is Thursday!

C. Reading:  Logs are due today.  Tomorrow, Tuesday, is the last day I will accept it for late points.  Reminder, if you turn in a log, you will not have one over vacation.  If you do not turn in a log, you will have one over vacation.  Make a good choice!!

R. Room Math:  PLEASE READ.  There have been some changes in dates.  You will have you math test Thursday 2/27/14.  We will have plenty of review time after vacation.  Therefore, your homework packet will not be due until Thursday 2/27/14.  Remember, I will look at your homework early and correct it before the test if you turn it in early, so you can use it as a study guide.

Course 3: We have a quiz on lessons 11.1 - 11.4 tomorrow.  We have done a ton of review.  Extra practice is on pages 636 - 638 if needed.  You can also take a practice quiz on

Chinese: We are learning 6 radicals from Lesson 8, and also practiced describing family orally. Assignment is writing the radicals 3 times from workbook p.72.

Spanish II: 5.1 quiz was moved to tomorrow. Finish the packet on the Sr. Wooly video.

French I:  Study for the second part of the midterm tomorrow.

Algebra - We are done with Chapter 7.  Homework: Systems of Inequalities (1-6) and all of pre-test warm-up (attached)

Spanish (Tomlinson): Due Wed-- Ex. 15, 17, 18 (pp. 136-7). 2.2 Vocab Quiz-Wed, 10 questions -- due Thursday, No packets (time; vocab;escuchar) are due this week

ELA - Students were given time to take their To Kill a Mockingbird AR quiz, work on their portfolio, and view the classic movie based on the book.  Homework: Journal entry #18, READ!
Technology- Students received their Moodle User Name and Password.  We then continued our Net Etiquette lessons.  Students took an online quiz on Netetiquette and posted a blog posting on the class online classroom.  Homework: bring headphones to class for our lesson on Globalization tomorrow.

Stein Health 8What we did today: Today we began creating an anti-tobacco advertisement. The directions and rubric can be found on Edmodo. These will be due Wednesday, February 12. Homework: There is no homework today. 

Humanities: Students reviewed 11.1/11.2 in class. Homework is to complete 11.3 section assessment.

Pre-Algebra: Today we practiced writing equations in Slope-Intercept form from graphs and points on a line. We also took notes on parallel and perpendicular lines. We compared their graphs and slopes to look for patterns. HW:  8.5 All (in packet). Those that did not have their 8.3 evens today need to turn it in tomorrow Chapter 8 Test on Thursday!