Science: Went over the energy packet. Students then worked on 2 more puzzle pages. If these are not completed in class they are homework.
Geometry: Finished the 6.2 notes and began 6.3 (similar polygons). The kitchen geometry project was introduced and 6.2 worksheet is homework.
Algebra: No homework. We presented our about me posters.
Algebra 2: No homework.
Pre Algebra: No homework. Students did 4.4 Assignment in class (from assignment sheet).
Course 3: No homework. We went over the Chapter 5 Test. Austin- We did a recipe problem solving sheet. No homework.
Social Studies: Students reviewed the "Big Ideas" (Westward migration, Articles of Confederation, Constitution, Federalists, Anti federalists and Bill of Rights) for the week in preparation for a mini-quiz on Friday. Homework is to study these terms from chapter 8 in preparation for the quiz. If you are absent, I will post the three terms that I will expect you to define on tomorrow's blog. Please email me your responses.
Language Arts: Students finished taking notes on the literary elements. We read Ch 7 - in "The Pigman" and students were given the vocabulary words to define and write a sentence. The following words for Ch 7 are: voluptuous, perpetual, erosion, corpse, prosecute, putrid. HW - finish definitions and sentences.
Journalism - Students worked on their articles. HW - articles.
Spanish 1: We took a quiz on p. 121 and worked on variations of sentences. The chapter test will be the second week after break. No homework over break other than...STUDY YOUR VOCABULARY! :)
Spanish 8: The students are investigating various aspects of Spanish life and culture. No homework.