Science: Mrs. Petersen is out today, students worked on the final exam review. The review is due on Monday (see Wednesday's post for a copy of the review) and the final exam is on Tuesday. have a great weekend!
Geometry: Mrs. Petersen is out today, students worked on the second part of the final exam review, which is due on Monday. The final exam is Wednesday.
Humanities: Students shared projects and current events in class. No homework.
Spanish I: Study for the second part of the 3.2 test on Monday. Study the vocab and study guides for the final. Write out your answers to the oral prompt and the written prompt for the final to turn in on Monday.
Pre-Algebra: We continued to review for our final exam. It is scheduled for Thursday, June 7th. Students were given 12 practice questions for homework.
Algebra (Graham) Review for the Final Exam. We will be taking a practice final on Monday. Good luck studying!
Technology (Graham) Newsletters and Typing Web are due next week, Friday.