Friday, December 4, 2015

Ramin - ELA

Monday, December 7: Literary essays due via Google Classroom.
Monday, December 14: 2 Reader's Book Records due


Science- Friday, December 4

Classwork: 2nd-4th hours discussed "Is the Force With You"?, 5th-7th hours finished the notes on the 3rd law and momentum.

Homework: Momentum worksheet (see science folder)

Discussion Starters: What did your group decide to do for proving Newton's 2nd law?

Geometry- Friday, December 4

Classwork: Took the 3.5 & 3.6 assessment.

Homework: Finish the last 3 example proofs from yesterday.

Discussion Starters: What do you think unit 4 will be about?

PE 12/4

8th grade P.E. Homework


Answer the following questions in essay form

  • Now that the weather is turning colder, how are you fitting in daily exercise?  Describe the activities you are doing and how often.
  • What activities influence you to be inactive?
  • What other kinds of healthy lifestyle choices do you incorporate into your daily routine?


  • Essays should be informative.

  • 1-2 pages in length and in final draft form.

  • A typed paper is preferred but you may hand write.  Must be legible.

  • Double check your spelling.


    Papers are due on or before Tuesday, Dec. 8th.


    You may turn it in before the due date, but it will be late (lower grade) if not turned in when you come to class.

Individuals and Societies

-Students participated in our first debate (Hamilton v. Jefferson) in class today...congratulations!!
-No homework.

Canvasser 12.4.15 Friday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (12.7.15) 
Students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week)
Do not forget to complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all 5 days!

RR Math- The homework packet is due on/or before Tuesday (12.15.15)
The math test will also be on Tuesday (12.15.15)
 The packet, workbook pages, and notes are great study tools!

Have a great weekend! 


Dixon Language & Literature

Classwork: Students completed their second day of publishing literary essays to day in class.
Homework: Complete publishing if necessary. Final drafts are due by 8 am Monday on Google Classroom.