Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday, March 19

Science: Played Jeopardy to review for Thursday's test and continued to work on the review that was started yesterday. The review is due tomorrow. Friday and Monday are project work days, "What is Safe" project is due on Tuesday, March 26.

Geometry: Went over the 9.6 homework and took notes on 9.7 (dilations), homework is the 9.7 worksheet. Chapter 9 test is Friday. 

Spanish I: Finish conjugating the 26 verbs on pg 167. Due tomorrow. Study 2.3 vocab (part 2) for a quiz on Thursday, March 21st. The vocab packet that goes with these words is also due the same day.

ELA - We continued with the sample common assessment that the District has asked us to pilot.  The IRRB - Informational Reading and Research-Based Argument Essay Writing Performance Assessment.  This may not be made up at home.  If students missed yesterday or today (or will miss tomorrow) they will need to come in at lunch to make it up.  This will not be graded as it is meant to be a pre and post test - I will be taking a sample of each class to the next Department meeting to assess if this is a good indicator of our student's skills/knowledge. Remember: AR books/quizzes are due Monday, March 25th.  No late submissions this marking period. I am open every lunch for students to work, take AR quizzes, or read. Homework: READ! Journal #32

Tech 8: Worked on brochures.

Humanities: Students checked 12.4 and continued to work on chapter 12 assessment in class. Homework is to complete chapter 12 assessment. Current events and Jackson quiz are due Thursday.

Pre-Algebra: Homework: 6.4 Practice B (evens only)
Algebra: Homework: Chessboard and Radium Decay problems Chapter 8 test is next Monday!

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students found out if they are married or divorced, what their spouse's occupation is and how many kids they have.  They should have printed the income for both themselves and their spouse and figured their take-away income after taxes are taken out.  Homework: No homework Discussion topics: What is your monthly income after taxes are taken out?

Course 3: Today we worked on decimals, fractions, and percents.  Homework is worksheet 7.4, evens + 25 & 26.