Friday, March 6: Evidence that circuit has been started due; Project Work Day
Tuesday, March 10: Project (paper) Work Day
Friday, March 13: Electricity Test
Monday, March 16: Circuit Project Due
Geometry: We began the 6.3 notes on Sin/Cos/Tan ratios. Homework is the unit circle handout. Quiz tomorrow on special right triangles and the unit circle.
RR English: Logs are due today. If you did not turn it in, please do so by tomorrow. Your new log was passed out today and is due Monday 3.9.
RR Math: Test/Homework=3/6
Humanities: Students reviewed for our chapter 10 essay exam on Wednesday. Homework is to study for the test.
Algebra: No new material today. We continued discussing the Zero Product Property and factoring. Homework: 9.2B and wkst 9.2-9.4
ELA - Students watched the movie To Kill a Mockingbird and took notes watching for similarities and differences between the movie and the book. On Thursday we will be writing an On-Demand paper comparing and contrasting the two. Students should be half-way through an independent novel and should be finished by this Friday. We will be doing a community read over the next few weeks with Iqbal a story about child labor in Pakistan. This will be read aloud in class allowing for yet another independent novel to be read at home! Lots and lots of time to read :) Homework: Read & Journal #3.27
Technology - Students worked on their Investigate for their Family Budget. I extended the deadline until tomorrow as Friday's class was taken up by the High School Scheduling informative meeting.