Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday, May 20

Final Exams
Geometry & Choir - May 31
Science - June 4
Algebra & Spanish- June 5 & 6

Science: Completed Investigation 20-B using prisms and observing a laser reflecting and refracting. Light "Quest" is May 29.

Geometry: Went over the 12.6 notes and took notes on 12.7. Homework is to complete the odd items on both the 12.6 and 12.7 worksheets (#15 is tough, I've attached some of the work I did for this problem). Chapter 12 test is Thursday, May 23. 

Spanish I: Practice the 3.2 questions for the test next week on May 28th/29th

Technology 8: What we did today: Students began determining the best way to advertise their business.  We read an article about choosing the right advertising technique and approach and then brain stormed ideas for our companies. Homework No homework

Humanities: Students checked chapter 17 assessment and worked on a test review for our Civil War test on Wednesday. Test review questions are below. What are some causes of the Civil War?  In your answer, be sure to explain a minimum of three causes. What are some effects of the Civil War?  In your answer, be sure to explain a minimum of three effects. Why did the Union win (Confederacy succeed in) the Civil War?  In your answer be sure to explain a minimum of three strengths of the Union or Confederacy.

ELA - Students resumed their Grammar Study with Clauses, Compound Sentences, and Complex Sentences.  Remember AR Quizzes are due June 3rd (3 Independent and 1 Class Novel). Homework: Grammar 8.1-8.3, Journal # 41, READ!

Tech 8 (Stein): 1st and 3rd Hour: presentations; 2nd hour: Peer Editing and turned in project

Course 3: We talked about rational and irrational numbers.  Homework is worksheet 9.2, # 1-11. 5th hour-homework is worksheet 9.1, odds.