Monday, April 17, 2017

Ramin - ELA

Today we began Grammar - Unit 6.

Homework: Please check Skyward to make sure the grade you think you have matches the grade you actually have. ;)


Greer - 8th Grade Science

Greer -8th Grade Science
All hours:  All Cedar Point permission slips are due Wednesday, April 19!  Checks should be made out to Norup International School.  For any parents interested in chaperoning the trip, there is a meeting at 6:00 at Norup on Tuesday, April 18. 

Math 8 - Stone

All quizzes from last week are graded and in Family Access. Our UNIT TEST will be next Wednesday, April 26.

Today, we used equations that were given to us to determine how much water in a pool was being pumped out per hour, how many gallons the pool held, and how many hours it would take to empty the pool. We discovered that the distributed form of the equation gave us the number of gallons in the pool and the amount being pumped out per hour. It also helped us to see the equation was linear. We noticed the equation before distributing gave us the number of hours it takes to empty the pool. 

Homework: page 72 (25 a, c, d & 26 a, c, d)

Those of you who were at M-Step must also complete the homework.


Began our new unit exploring perimeter and area.

Homework- perimeter and area on the coordinate plane practice #1-3
Megan Throm
Science & Mathematics
Educator & Instructional Support Specialist
Berkley School District
14450 Manhattan
Oak Park, MI 48237

Spanish 2

Students practiced double object pronouns.

Double Object Pronouns Quiz: Thursday, April 20


Classwork: We reviewed answers from 19.1 questions (pink sheet). Then we read and took notes on section 20.1 on Waves and answered review questions. Both documents are posted in the folder on the blog.

Alarm circuit lab reports were passed back and discussed. All alarm projects should be taken home!

Reminder: keep up on any labs/classwork missed during M-step testing.

Cedar Point permission slip and $ is due Wednesday, April 19th. Informational meeting/chaperon meeting will be held tomorrow evening at 6:00 p.m to answer any questions you may have.

Canvasser 4.17.17 Monday

Happy Monday!

RR ELA- Reading logs were due today ( 4.17.17), if you did not turn on in you may do so tomorrow for late points. The new reading log is due Monday ( 4.24.17) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes for five days a week. Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days.

RR Math- The signed homework packet and multiplication sheet are due Tuesday ( 4.18.17). The math test will also be on Tuesday ( 4.18.17) students notes, workbook pages, and homework packet are great study tools! 

*Students need to bring their AR books to class and home daily*!