Friday, January 22, 2016

Ramin - ELA

Today students made final edits and revisions to their position essays. They are due by 11:59 PM tonight.

Journals and final Reader's Book Records are due at the beginning of class on Monday, 1/25. All journals must have a Table of Contents and title/entry number on each page. View an updated Table of Contents on or in the 8th grade Google Drive folder. RBR templates can also be found in the Google Drive folder.

Geometry- Friday, January 22

Classwork: Began reviewing for midterms

Homework: Unit 1 of the midterm review is due Monday, unit 2 will be due Tuesday, units 3 & 4 due Wednesday.

Upcoming: Midterm Thursday & Friday January 28 & 29

Science- Friday, January 22

Classwork: Completed the unit 3 notes

Homework: Research project due by midnight

Upcoming: Unit 3 "Quest" Tuesday, January 27. Midterm Wednesday, February 3

Canvasser (1.22.16) Friday

Mrs. Canvasser is out sick today, she will return Monday (1.25.16)

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (1.25.16)
Students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes( 5 days a week) Do not forget to complete the short reader's response section! Along with having a parent signature for all five days!

*AR quizzes for your general ELA classes are due by the end of the month! Students should be reading their AR books daily, and taking their AR quizzes!*

RR Math- Red group can finish workbook pages for homework!
The homework packet and multiplication sheet are due on/before Thursday (1.28.16) Students should be studying daily! The homework packet, workbook pages, and notes are great study tools!

Have a great weekend!

Dixon Language & Literature

Classwork: Final day of publishing position papers
Homework: If not finished in class, papers must be completed at home. All papers are due by 11:59 pm tonight on Google Classroom.

Reminders: Composition Notebooks are due on Monday. All journals must have a table of contents and title/entry number on each page in order to be accepted on time. A Table of Contents is available under the calendar tab at www.berkleydixon.weebly.comAR quizzes are due by Wednesday, January 27. Grades have been updated as of yesterday. Students must turn in a Reader's Book Record for each book they read by Thursday, January 28.