Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday, November 29

Geometry: Went over the 5.3 homework and took notes on 5.5 (we will go back to 5.4 tomorrow). Homework is the 5.5 worksheet, chapter 5 quiz is on Monday.

Science: Students in Mrs. Petersen's class completed the notes on Newton's 3rd Law of Motion and Mrs. Kettner's class worked on the momentum investigation. Homework is the momentum worksheet.

Pre-AlgebraWe are continuing to work on equation solving.  It is so important for students to be proficient with this skill in order for them to be successful in Algebra next year.  We are also working on GCF and LCM.  Our homework is 4.3 (evens).  Our next quiz will be next Tuesday!

Algebra: We worked on our third method for solving linear functions today...slope-intercept form (y=mx+b).  We just got into our discussion, so there is no homework on this section, yet.  I passed out our 4th Problem Solving Workshop (everyone was so excited ;) ).  It will be due on Monday.  Please remember that we are focusing on Perseverance and Precision!  Show your work and explain your answers!

Course 3: Students worked on a review in class.  We will review tomorrow for a test on Monday.
Spanish I: Exs 10 & 11, pgs 80-81. Due Monday. Family project rough draft due Monday.
ELA - Students held "Vocabulary Bees" at their tables and then the table winners competed in a "Vocab Off" for class title of Vocabulary Master (and WOW tickets).  This was to help review for the Vocabulary Test tomorrow.  The remained of the hour was dedicated to project work with a few students going to the Tech Lab or working on the classroom computers.  Remember all projects are due Monday, December 3rd - presentations ready to present, music ready to play, and all rubrics turned in with projects.
Please remember to vote for a Technology Grant for our school, either via
texting To: 95248 Message: 1023pbf
or logging into a computer at
Homework - STUDY VOCABULARY.  Work on Project.