Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday, October 2

French 2: Vocab quiz on Monday on 9.2 and 9.3 words (blue and orange). Unit quiz on chapter 9 on Tuesday. Unit 90 test on Thursday

Science: Continued practicing graphing motion using stories. We will share our graphs and stories in class tomorrow. 

Geometry: Went over the review- homework is to study for tomorrow test! Some suggested review questions from the geometry book are pg. 60 #1-8, pg. 61 #13-19, pg. 168 #34-38, pg. 169 #40-44, pg. 167 #28 & 31, pg. 166 #19-21, pg. 160 #42, and pg. 159 #21, 37 & 41.

RR English: Logs are due Monday. 5 days. Please follow the reader's response questions for full points. Use the back of the log or separate paper to answer your questions.

RR Math:
-Red group should finish any workbook pages not completed today in class, due tomorrow.
-Both groups, homework packet will be due on or BEFORE Monday 10-6-14.
-Both groups, your test will be Monday 10-6-14. Please study.

ELA - Today we worked on our Grammar Packets, I reviewed the first four lessons (all should have been basic noun review for all). We then went over the lessons 2.5 and 2.6 that are a little bit harder. Students were then given the hour to continue their work or read. They will be given tomorrow to work on the packets as well, as many did not finish in class today. The quiz will still be on Monday. Homework: Journal entry, Read

Humanities: Students were introduced to, and began to work on, 2.3 of the textbook. 2.3 guided questions are due on Monday.

Pre-Algebra: Today, we took notes on 1.8, coordinate planes and graphing. The homework is 1.8, 1-17 all. This is due tomorrow. The Chapter 1 Test will be Wednesday, October 8. The notes, homework and extra graph paper can be found at .

Physical Education
8th grade
Answer the following questions
·         What skill is hard for you to master in flag football? Explain why and how you might improve.
·         Where would you most like to see improvement in yourself?
·         How do you know when you really understand something?
  • Essay should be informative and 1-2 pages in length.
  • Double check your spelling.
  • A typed paper is preferred but you may hand write it. Must be legible.
This homework is due on Wed.,October 8th

You may turn it in before the due date, but it will be late (lower grade) if not turned in when you come to class.