Science: Student's investigated the relationship between force and distance using pulleys. No homework over break! Thanks to Marlee, Ian, Zachary, Kristen, Olivia, Hannah & Brooke for presenting their "Is the Force With You?" lab at the principal's breakfast this morning.
Geometry: Finished the 6.3 notes. Most students completed the 6.3 worksheet in class, but if not it is homework. Background research for the kitchen geometry project must be done over break. See yesterday's post for more information.
Algebra: Students made a conjecture about the number of rubber bands it would take to drop a Barbie from the second floor stairwell. Then students had a chance to test their conjecture. During this time, students completed a cumulative review Pg. 484 #2-36, 44-50 even (do not graph 44-50). No homework for the Holidays!
Algebra 2: Students learned 6.4 and had a mini quiz on 6.1-6.3. No homework for the Holidays.
Course 3: Students used newspaper ads to plan what they are going to buy their family and friends for the Holidays on a budget of $250. Students had to make sure to include their immediate family and friends and seek out the best deals from the circulars. No homework for the break!
Pre Algebra: Students checked 4.4 Homework from last night and learned 4.5. No homework for the break.
Social Studies: Students took "Big Ideas" quiz and discussed the seven principles of the constitution (pp. 226-231). If you were absent and would like to complete the quiz, please tell me three facts (for each) related to the Articles of Confederation, Constitution and Bill of Rights. The only homework during break is to be happy and healthy.
LA - Students checked their grammar homework from Ch 7 in the "Pigman." We played MadLibs, where I assign tables a part of speech and then we insert their words into the story. Students do not know the topic of the story ahead of time. We then read the story as a class and usually they end up with some pretty funny stories. There is no homework over the break.
Journalism - Students worked on their news articles. The finishing touches to the first edition are almost complete. HW - rough drafts of their second articles are due when we get back from break. They do not have to be typed. Happy Holidays!
Spanish 1: Today we played Spanish taboo in class for one last vocabulary review. The students do not have homework over break, however, remember the chapter test is going to be in the second half of the second week after break. If you have free time, or for those who want to raise their grades, the best thing to do would be to review vocabulary for ten minutes every day or so. Vocabulary is the foundation of a language; without it, no grammar is going to make sense!
Spanish 8: Kids worked on their Spain study; some are making posters about bullfighting, others are starting to make review questions about what we've studied. We will finish this unit the week we get back.
Career Tech - Continued work on "Family Budget" presentations will begin when we get back from break.
Integrated Tech - Roverbot due today. Continue work on LegoRobotics.