Geometry:Took our triangle congruence test.
C/Reading Reminder, for those students who did not turn in a reading log this week, you have to do them over vacation (two of them). Please continue reading even if you did not get a reading log to do.
RR Math Study multiplication facts. I will assign another official homework packet after vacation.
5th and 6th HR LRC:: Please remember we are having a holiday party this Friday. If you are in 5th hour, please bring a treat or drinks/cups- enough for 10 people. If you are in 6th hour, please bring a treat or drinks/cups- enough for 13 people. I will be providing a cookie decorating station. It should be a fun time!
Spanish (Tomlinson): 1.3 Chapter walk due tomorrow
Humanities: Students continued to present projects in class today. No homework.
ELA - Students read and took notes on one of their sources, they then
"taught" the information to another student for Day 4 of Reader's Workshop. Homework: READ! Journal entry #37
Pre-Algebra: More practice with transformations - translations (slides) and reflections
(flips). HW: finish one transformation packet (you may choose either translations or
Course 3: homework-worksheet 6.3, odds. This stuff is hard.