Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday, July 7

* Permission Slips for the Student Council Spirit Trip to the Huntington Woods Pool are due on Wednesday

* 8th Grade Dance is Friday, June 11 from 6:00-8:00. Please contact either Mrs. Petersen or Mrs. LaRaia for details or if you are interested in helping. Those who volunteered to bring pop are asked to bring only Sprite and Hawaiian Punch for our fountain!

Worked on final review, must be complete tomorrow. Final exam is Thursday, June 10. All books/cd's must be returned on Thursday.

Geometry: Went over the last of the review. Homework is to study for tomorrow's final exam.

Algebra: Chapter 9, 10 and 12 review. Final Exam on Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure you find your text book and bring it to class to turn in on Thursday.

Algebra 2: Reviewed conic sections, law of sines and cosines, trigonometric functions, arithmetic and geometric sequences/series. Final exam is Thursday/Friday of this week.

Course 3: Review for final year test.

Pre Algebra: Quarterly exam. No homework.

Social Studies: -Students were introduced to chapter 19, read 19.1 and worked on 19.1 section assessment in class. 19.1 section assessment is due tomorrow. Current events, folders and books are due Thursday.

Spanish 1: Today we spent time on oral skills and went over the sections of the final. It will be broken into two days; Wednesday and Thursday. For tomorrow, please review the past tense from page R29 and re-read the opening reading sections for unit 2 and 3-1 and 3-2.

Spanish 8: We reviewed days, months and numbers today. The packet about the three categories is due at the end of class tomorrow.

LA - students took their final today. HW - none
Journalism - rough drafts due on Tues. June 8 at the end of the hour. HW - none.