Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday, May 30

Mrs. Weiss visited 8th grade Language Arts classes today to introduce the Graduation Speech Writing Contest.  Any students interested in speaking at graduation should submit a speech to Mrs. Weiss (speeches can be typed or handwritten).  Speeches are due by the end of lunch on Tuesday, June 4th.  See attached flier for more information.

Geometry: Continued reviewing for the final by filling out our cheat sheets and practice the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines, I've included some links for extra practice. Final is tomorrow! Hotmath practice, Regents Exam Prep, Math Warehouse

Science: Began reviewing for Tuesday's final exam. The review is due on Monday. Students should also be working on the Family Roots project discussed yesterday that coincides with the community read in Language Arts. 

Tech 8 (Stein): 1st Hour: Pros and Cons of Technology; 2nd Hour: Presentations; 3rd Hour: PowerPoint Activity 

Humanities: Students checked 18.2 and discussed 18.3 in class. Homework is to complete 18.3 free choice and offer an opinion on whether or not Reconstruction was successful. Current events are due tomorrow.

ELA - Mrs. Weiss presented the 8th Grade Graduation Speech Contest.  Forms can be found in my room, on her door, and on the blog.  Please consider throwing your hat in the is a great experience. We continued our Community Read today by starting our second short story from the collection First Crossings: Stories about Teen Immigrants edited by Donald R. Gallo.  The story we read today is called "Second Culture Kids" by Dian Curtis Regan and is about the experience of a Venezuelan teen moved to the US when political uprisings cause her step-father's company to evacuate workers and their families.  We will be reading a story every two days and comparing our lives to the lives of the immigrants, we will then culminate the community read with the "Immigration Experience" planned for June 7th.  A wonderful way to end the year! Homework: READ!!!!! and Journal #48 Remember AR quizzes are due during class on Monday, June 3rd, no late submissions.  I still have many students that have not taken any independent reading quizzes...very scary with only 4 days until 3 quizzes are due!

Technology 8: What we did today- Students continued their small business presentations.  We will wrap these up tomorrow and invest our money in the companies we most believe in. Homework- No homework

Algebra: We started reviewing.  I have attached the review packet.  Exam is next Wednesday and Thursday.