Monday, September 19, 2016

Math 8

Homework: 2 worksheets (odds only)

Check-up corrections due by Wednesday

Ramin - ELA

- Launching Writer's Workshop: Narrative Poetry (Day 1 - Narrative Elements)

1) Make sure you have joined my Google Classroom if you haven't already. Class codes are as follows:
2nd hour: 61p1t5j
4th hour: 8tzf5j
6th hour: 5k1pjyo

3) Read for an average of 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week to achieve your AR goal

Important Dates
F 10/7: Reading Goal Halfway Check
W 11/2: AR Points Due


Spanish 2

In Class: Students created accounts on (textbook) and (vocab. practice).

Homework: Study for tomorrow's telling time quiz 


Students took their first quiz, but since not everyone was able to finish in class they are able to complete the quiz for homework. We discussed that yes, it's possible that they might "cheat" and work with someone or find the answers elsewhere, but that since a quiz is so low stakes (20% of their grade is formative assessment) and that ultimately it's a chance for them to check their understanding they really are only cheating themselves.


Students completed an IB Learner Profile activity either today or on Friday. We will use the learner profiles throughout the school year, especially during our Lab Write ups at the end of the first two units.

We will be finishing up our first investigation today or tomorrow. We then will start reading and taking notes from the Physics book.

Canvasser 9.19.16 Monday

Happy Monday!

RR ELA-  Students should be reading daily for a minimum of 30 minutes. Your first reading log is due Monday (9.26.16) students must read for a minimum of 30 minutes five days a week! You must also complete the reader's response section, along with a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math- Blue group can finish their workbook pages ( day 3) if you didn't not finish in class. The homework packet and multiplication facts are due Thursday ( 9.22.16) you must have it signed! The math test will also be on Thursday (9.22.16) your workbook pages, notes, and homework packet are great study tools!

Individuals and Societies-Lyskawa

-Students concluded our discussion of the Constitution and turned in their Constitution pre-tests in class today.
-No homework.