Science: Students began building (hours 3-5) and collecting data for roller coasters (hours 6 & 7). We will continue with data collection and writing up the lab tomorrow, lab planner is attached. Our peer review will be on Tuesday, January 24 and the final lab will be due Friday, January 27. The science midterm will be Monday, January 30 (we will review next week).
Geometry: Went over the review packet and discussed theorems to use put on the referance sheet. Midterm is tomorrow!
Algebra (Hill): Practice all types of problems from chapters 1-6. Bring your book home. Midterm Exam begins tomorrow January 19th! Bring your calculator!
Pre-Algebra: We talked about fractions and equivalent fractions. We also worked on reducing when there are variables in the numerator and the denominator. Homework-worksheet 4.3, # 1 - 27 odds.
Humanities: Students completed their first "Big Ideas" quiz in class today. In addition, students shared current events and discussed C.N.N Student News. No homework.