Friday, October 14, 2016

Math 8 - Stone

Happy Friday! Today we created a concept map of our book Thinking with Mathematical Models. We will have two days to review for the unit test, which will be on Wednesday. Quiz corrections are due on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

Spanish 2

Students practiced vocabulary and ordinal numbers.

Unit 5 Vocab. Quiz: Tuesday, October 18


Classwork: Today we began Unit 2- Transformations & Rigid Motions. This unit will lay the groundwork on which congruence and similarity is based. Unit 1 tests were also returned and test retakes were discussed.
Homework: Transformations & Rigid Motions Practice #1-15


Classwork: Daily Science then open note quiz.

Homework: Students need to finish their distance-time practice sheet and/or graph of investigation 1-B data, if not finished in class.

Coming up: We will be discussing distance-time and then speed-time graphs in preparation for our first inquiry lab: How Fast Am I? Students will be given time in class to conduct their investigation as well as computer time to start their lab write ups.

Individuals and Societies-Lyskawa

-Students continued to work on Colony Assessments in class today.
-Students received a rubric for this assessment yesterday had two class periods to begin work.
-Assessments are due Monday.

Canvasser 10.14.16 Friday

Happy Friday!

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday ( 10.17.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes for five days a week. Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days. Students took their grammar quiz today.

RR Math-  Blue group can finish workbook pages ( week 3, day 1) if not completed in class. The signed homework packet and multiplication  sheet are due Tuesday ( 10.25.16) the math test will also be on Tuesday ( 10.25.16). The homework packet, notes, and workbook pages are great study tools!

* Bring your AR books to class and home everyday!*

Have a wonderful weekend!


We reviewed the graded speed homework then discussed and practiced reading distance-time graphs. Quiz Friday