Science: Today we started working on review for the unit 1 test. The review is due on Wednesday, test is Thursday. Review must have complete sentences or problem solving boxes.
-Pg. 24-26: Vocabulary (#7-13), Reviewing Concepts (#8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 21, 22, 24, & 25), Solving Problems (#4-11 & 13).
-Pg. 56: # 11 & 13
Geometry: 3.4 Notes (slopes of parallel & perpendicular lines). 3.4 worksheet is homework, 3.1-3.4 quiz on Wednesday.
Algebra: Today we started solving compound inequalities by doing an activity in class. Students worked in groups and presented to class. No homework for tonight.
Algebra 2: Chapter 4 test tomorrow 4.1-4.4 and 5.4. Today we reviewed in class by playing a review game.
Course 3: Today we learned distributive property by doing an exploration activity with area. Students are required to do 2.7 homework.
Pre Algebra: Today we learned about one step equations. Students were required to complete exit pass and had a lot of time to complete homework in class.
Language Arts: Students handed in their poetry booklets and recited their poems from memory. These are both project grades. HW: study for the poetry quiz which is Tuesday.
Journalism: Today we learned about how to write a good news lead. HW: none]
Humanities: Mr. L hopes to be back tomorrow. 5.2 section assessment due Tuesday. Current event due Wednesday.
Spanish 1: Please remember there is a vocab test tomorrow and a chapter test on Thursday.
Spanish 8: Group 1: Please do p. 31 and 32, actividades 1 and 2. Group 2: Please do p. 36 and 37, actividades 7 and 8.