Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday, October 29

Science: Graphed and analyzed the data on mass and speed that we collected yesterday.

Geometry: Took the unit 2 test.

Humanities: Students continued to work on their "Causes of the Revolution" quiz and watched a video on the investigation of the Boston Massacre. No Homework.

RR English: Read every evening, reading log is due Monday, November 3, parents must sign reading logs.

RR Math: A section of math should be completed each night, math packet is due Tuesday, November 4. TEST: Tuesday, November 4

French 2: Practice writing about clothing.

Pre-Algebra: Today we completed our 2.5 notes. The homework is 2.5 Practice C, 1-24 all. The notes and homework are available on .

ELA - Students checked over their Grammar 3.2 and we moved on to Grammar 3.3 "Pronouns as Objects" we have seen Objects twice now so the students should be able to question themselves like we practice in class to find the Direct Object, Indirect Object, or the Object of a Preposition.  Tomorrow's assignment will include two lessons as I do not see my afternoon classes on Friday. Homework: Grammar 3.3, READ! AR quizzes are due by noon on Friday (I will be in my room for students to take quizzes after the half day).

Algebra: Discussed function notation, domain and range, and rewriting equations. Homework: wkst 4.1,4.7, 3.8

Chinese: Check the class blog for assignment detail.

Spanish I: WHAT WE DID TODAY: The field trip to Mexican Town was a big success! Students had the opportunity to learn about the Día de los muertos holiday through art, observation, and listening to stories told by lifelong residents of Mexican Town. Thank you parents, for supporting this very important and culturally rich educational opportunity. Thank you also, to the chaperones who made this event possible! When we returned to NIS, we had a wonderful discussion about all that we'd learned. I will be sending a link to view pictures. Thank you again to everyone who made this very special day possible! HOMEWORK: The Día de los muertos packet will be due on Monday. Please finish the crossword puzzle for tomorrow. Have a wonderful evening.