Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sept. 30

Science: Today in class we learned how to solve speed problems using problem solving boxes. We did #1-5 together in class, the remaining 10 problems were worked on in class and anything not finished is homework. Quiz on Friday.

Geometry: Took the chapter 1 test. 2.1 notes are homework.

Algebra: 2.2 Homework

Pre Algebra: Review for Test on Friday

Course 3: 1.7 Homework, Test on Friday

Algebra 2: 2.7 Homework

LA-Journal #13: What does it mean to live a balanced lifestyle? OR How can you live a balanced lifestyle. Grammar - Kinds and Structures of sentences. HW: Complete the grammar packet for Thursday.

Journalism: Read an article from the NY Times regarding the trial of Sean "Puffy" Combs.
What news is being reported? Where is the background as to why Combs is on trial? Discuss the alternate jurors opinion to the trial. What is the authors opinion on this topic? HW: What is your opinion of this case? Why? Full page with references from the article to support your opinion. Due Thursday.

Humanities: Current events were shared today. Chapter 3 Assessment (p. 88) is due Thursday. Test review Thursday. Test Friday.