Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Welcome back!

Science: Yesterday students took a pre-test on the main learning objectives and went over the course syllabus. Today we started using the timers and photogates which will allow us to make precise measurements of motion throughout the year.

Geometry: Yesterday students participated in an assessment of Van Hiele Levels and went over the course syllabus. Today we began discussing the logic of mathematics and proofs through comic strips. Attached is an article regarding Van Hiele Levels of Geometric Understanding. 

ELA- Kennedy:  Students were given the syllabus yesterday to be signed by the end of the week.  Today we conducted a performance assessment that will be our baseline for writing abilities.  We will be conducting Reading Assessments over the next few weeks to find the basis for reading instruction!  Welcome back!  Hope everyone's summer was fun!  Now back to work!

LRC, RR Math, RR English (Canvassar): Supplies for each of the classes are in the packets that were sent home yesterday with your child.  I will be checking supplies early next week.  Packets that were sent home yesterday with your child, need to be signed and returned by this Friday.  Please go over the packet with your child.  Please also fill out the contact form that was sent home yesterday, also due Friday.

Algebra: We took a pre-assessment today.  I assured everyone that they should not know how to do most of it.  The assessment contains the topics we are covering this year. 

Homework: Decorate their ISN (composition notebooks) with 15-20 number stories about them.  Due tomorrow!

Chinese: Hi Everyone, Welcome back to the school. Today is our first class officially as we had assembly yesterday. Today, we went through the syllabus. Now, you know what you were expected to do in the class. I hope your will enjoy learning Chinese this year. Parents and students, please spend some time to read the syllabus at home, sign and return it back tomorrow in the class. Please make sure to get materials (binder, dividers, notebook, dry erase marker) this weekend. I would love you to have everything ready on Monday. See you all tomorrow. P.S. attached is the syllabus.

French II: keep studying for the 9 verb quiz for all this week