Monday, December 5, 2016

Greer - 8th Grade Science

Greer - 8th Grade Science
All hours:  Study for the open-note Unit 2 quiz that is on Tuesday, December 6.  Remember to organize your binders with notes and assignments for accessing them for the quiz. 

Math 8 - Stone

Today we began our new unit, Growing, Growing, Growing. In Investigation 1.1 we began looking at exponential functions.

Homework: page 14 (3, 22-31, 35-40)

Spanish 2

Students practiced the verb "costar" with clothing items and prices.

Homework: Unit 6 on Conjuguemos for 10 minutes

Unit 6 Vocab. Quiz: Thursday, December 8 

Individuals and Societies-Lyskawa

-Students reviewed section 4.1 in class.
-Homework is to define the terms and names for 4.1 (p.112) and to answer the following questions for 4.1:
-What do you think is interesting in this section?
-Who won the early battles of the Revolution?  Why?
*There will be a chapter 4 test on Monday, December 12.

Canvasser 12.5.16 Monday

Happy Monday!

RR ELA- Reading logs were due today ( 12.5.16) if you did not turn one in, you may do so tomorrow ( 12.6.16) for late points. The new reading logs are due Monday ( 12.12.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes for five days a week. Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days.

RR Math The blue group can finish workbook pages ( week 2, day 1) if not completed in class. The red group worked on homework and test corrections.

* Bring your AR books to class and home daily!*