Science: Took the Sound & Waves Test. No homework!
Geometry: Completed several reflection activities using geometry applets.
Humanities: Students worked on 18.1 section assessment in class. 18.1 section assessment is due Tuesday.
ELA: Students were given time to read and/or take AR quizzes. There are a total of 3 quizzes due for this marking period and not many students have taken them. Please check your student's Family Access, I am entering the grades for quizzes taken this marking period today. Grammar 3.6 "Interrogative and Demonstrative Pronouns" was taught and due by the end of the hour. Remember: Wednesday is 5th Grade Orientation so we will have a half day - hours 1,2,6,7. Friday is Legacy Day - so Journals are due (as stated on the assignment list) Thursday.
Tech: Students worked on smoothing out their 8th grade video, there is some amazing editing work going on! I can't wait to see the final product. Thanks to Ringside Creative we will have this burned to DVD.
Algebra (Graham): Test over chapter 10 tomorrow!!! Students should be looking over their notes, memorizing the different equation forms, and practice problems. Good luck!
Spanish I: 3.1 test is today - with the listening part tomorrow, and finishing the oral prompts tomorrow if necessary. Flash cards for 3.2 are due by next Monday - either in paper form, or using or using a flash card app on your phones. If you use or your phones, you will have to email it to me (, or show me.
Pre-Algebra: We continued to put equations in function form. This stuff is HARD:) Hang in there. Homework is worksheet 8.2, #23 - 28.
Algebra (Hill): Chapter 10.4-10.8 test tomorrow. Homework: Study your practice exams and your class notes, also practice test 10b due tomorrow.