Geometry: Went over the 6.6 notes (Proportionality theorems) and the chapter 6 quiz was returned. 6.6 worksheet is homework. The chapter 6 test is Thursday, January 12 and the midterm is Thursday, January 19.
Science: Finished the pulleys investigation and discussed mechanical advantage and work. Work and Mechanical Advantage worksheet is homework, Unit 3 Quest is Tuesday, January 10. The science midterm is tenatively scheduled for January 30.
Pre-Algebra: Students took the chapter 3 test today. No homework.
Spanish I: There will not be a 2.1 unit test on Monday.
Algebra (Graham): We started reviewing for the midterm today. I will supply all of the study guides in class, but I have attached them, as well. The midterm will be given Tuesday, January 17 and Wednesday, January 18. Practice Exam 1, Practice Exam 2, Midterm Study Guide, Midterm Practice.
Language Arts: Students continued with Thesis Statements, nailed one down and began testing their statement. To test the statement we separated each of our provable points and found evidence to back that statement up. If there wasn't enough evidence to prove one point, we revised our Thesis statement to accommodate for this deficiency. Homework: Finish the Thesis Testing sheet (outline of paper-file attached) ready for rough drafting on Monday. Read!
Humanities: Students shared current events and continued our discussion on the early years of the American Revolution. No homework.