Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday, September 30

Science: Today we discussed how to calculate speed and learned how to make a problem solving box. We then practiced solving speed problems with the aid of problem solving boxes. Click here for the presentation.

Geometry: Went over the special right triangles activity and took notes on special right triangles (7.4). Homework is the 7.4 worksheet. 

Corrective Reading:  Reading logs are due today.  Your new reading log will be due next Monday.

Chinese: Learn and make 15 flashcards of 15 strokes of Chinese characters.

Humanities: Students reviewed chapters 1-3 and corrected our summative assessments in class. No homework. No current event Wednesday. 

Spanish (Tomlinson) For Friday--flashcards for 1.1 vocab (unidad 1 etapa 1); for Wednesday--finish math packet from Friday, if not finished. Lab tomorrow-meet in front hall.

Course 3: We divided integers today.  Homework is worksheet 2.5, #1 - 22.  Quiz on Wednesday.

ELA - Students are being given a gift this week.  I have heard many complaints and seen many wide eyes when I told them that they should be reading each night and should be almost done 2 books.  We will be starting our Science Fiction Unit next week so I would like all students to be done at least two books by the end of this week.  We will be reading and taking AR quizzes all week. Homework: READ! Journal Entry #17.

Pre-Algebra: 1.8 Coordinate Plane (plotting and locating points). Unit 1 Test - Thursday, October 3rd

Spanish II: Begin studying the Unidad 1 worksheet you got today for the first test next week on Tuesday, October 8th.

French I: Study your review worksheet for the 1.1 quiz this Wednesday

Algebra:  We went over our tests from Friday.  Great scores (A- average).  I assigned an IB assessment that is due on Thursday (assignment and rubric attached) and a review equation solving worksheet.

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we wrote from a journal prompt, practiced verb phrases in grammar, and wrote theme sentences. Homework: Read your novel