Science: Completed Investigation 1-B and practiced metric conversions.
Geometry: Went over the 2.2 notes (conditional statements). 2.2 worksheet is homework.
Humanities: Students watched student news and shared current events in class. Homework is to complete chapter 2 pre-test for Monday.
Spanish I: Study for vocab quiz on 1.1 for Monday, Oct 1st
ELA - Students took their second vocab quiz today. They were then assigned a journal entry to complete while the rest of the class finished their quiz. Please double check your student's vocabulary sentences on Tuesday nights, many students are having a hard time using words properly while showing the meaning in their sentences. These should be good 8th grade sentences with context clues in the sentence so I can glean the meaning from the sentence...."This is inadequate work." could mean anything....maybe "This is inadequate work, so it earned and E." would be better at showing what the vocabulary word means. Please have your student check the blog and the Student Access grade-book at least weekly so they are aware of their missing or excellent work. Have a great weekend.
Pre-Algebra: We checked our Chapter Review. We talked about how to study and what material we each need to focus on for the Chapter 1 test this Monday. Have a great weekend!
Algebra: We took a short quiz today. Homework: Notes on section 2.4. Have a great weekend!