Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday, April 19

Science: Today we started our investigation of sound by observing various frequencies and by exploring how changing the length of a straw kazoo changes its pitch. Quizzes will be returned tomorrow or Monday.

Geometry: Investigated how perimeter of a base is related to the surface area of a polyhedron or cylinder and completed the 12.2 notes. Homework is the 12.2 worksheet. 12.1-12.4 quiz is Tuesday.

Spanish I: Exs 9, 10, & 11 pgs 184-185. Due tomorrow

Pre-Algebra: We talked about the counting principle today.  Homework is worksheet 6.8, evens.

Humanities: Students were introduced to 16.1 and began to work on 16.1 section assessment in class. Homework is to complete 16.1 section assessment.

ELA: We discussed the joint ELA and Humanities Civil War project and the options we may be offering. We then reviewed Possessive Nouns and Compound Nouns - we all need reminding where that little apostrophe goes :) We will have our first book club tomorrow for our Civil War novels so be sure the first reading section journal is complete.

Tech: We are almost done presenting projects, just two more to go. We will begin our next project next week.