Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thursday, May 31

Mrs. Weiss introduced the 8th Grade Graduation Speech Contest in Language Arts today. Information attached. Speeches are due by the end of lunch on Monday, June 4th.

Science: Played final review jeapordy. Final exam review is due on Monday, June 4 (students will work on the review in class tomorrow). The final exam is Tuesday, June 5.

Geometry: Worked on the formula sheet and review packet part 2. The final exam is Wednesday, June 6.

Spanish I: Study for the 2nd part of the 3.2 vocab quiz tomorrow and for the first part of the 3.2 test tomorrow.

Pre-Algebra: We are reviewing for our final exam. The final exam is scheduled for June 6th.

Humanities: Students presented projects in class today. Homework is to complete a current event.

ELA: We heard about the 8th grade dance, 8th grade Graduation Speech Contest, and the 9th grade summer reading requirements! We will go over the Final tomorrow. Tomorrow is also the last day for taking AR quizzes.Tech: NOT DONE YET! Tomorrow we have to be done in order to have the videos produced on to DVDs. Almost there.

Algebra (Graham): Complete chapters 8 and 9 of review for tomorrow. Final Exam Wednesday, June 6