Geometry: Took the chapter 2 test, they did AWESOME! No homework.
Science: Finished collecting data for "How Fast Am I?" and talked about graphing. Students need to complete the research this weekend. We will continue working on the lab all next week. 4-7th hours will peer review on Wednesday, Oct. 17 and final drafts will be due on Friday, October 19. 2nd & 3rd hours will peer review on Friday, October 19 and final drafts will be due on Monday, October 22. Click here for a copy of the rubric and see Wednesday's post for a copy of the planner.
Humanities: Unfortunately, I am out of the building today. Students worked on chapter 2 assessment in class. Chapter 2 assessment is due Monday. We will share current events Monday.
Art 8 : (1st hr.) Students are finishing up the relief sculpture landscapes. The tissue has been applied and crayon rubbing added to enhance the relief. Reliefs are being mounted onto black paper and rubrics are being completed. These are due Monday Oct 15.
Art 7/8 : (5th and 6th hrs.) Students are still working on cityscapes. A variety of building shapes, overlapping and texture must be included. Students are currently adding the black marker to their cityscapes. Painting of the background will begin next week with a demonstration of the painting technique on Monday. Color theory will be discussed and students must choose one color family to use in the painting portion.
Advanced Art 8: Pasta still lifes have been designed and I spray painted them silver to make the value more pronounced. Students made viewfinders and chose a portion of their pasta still life to enlarge using the viewfinders. They have finished the layout of their drawings and have moved onto the value portion. Daily still life #3 is still in progress.
ELA - Morning classes were minimally interrupted with the Fun Run...and boy was it fun! 3rd through 7th hours took their Vocabulary #4 Quiz and AR quizzes for the marking period. When we reviewed who was on target with AR and who wasn't a few students were confusing Summer Reading with the independent reading they need to do for each marking period. Yes, they had three books to read over the summer, beyond that they have two books due for this marking period. We have been reminding them in class to read now while we are doing Writer's Workshop, before we start our first novel unit The Giver by Lois Lowry. We know that it would be hard to do a novel unit and read another book for independent AR reading.
Pre-Algebra: We took a quiz today. Homework: Fractions worksheet and Like Terms triangle. Have a great weekend!
Algebra: Homework: Practice B 6.2 and 3.2 worksheet (evens only).