We started 3.1, Discovering the Pythagorean Theorem, on page 38. Students worked through A and B. We will finish and summarize this work on Thursday. Click here for the notes.
Focus Question
"You know the sum of the two shortest side lengths of a triangle must be greater than the third side length. Is there a similar relationship among the squares on the sides of a triangle? Is the relationship the same for all triangles?"
Complete the following vocabulary words in your packet (click on the work for written and audio definition) DUE THURSDAY
Tomorrow is the PSAT. Do not go your first hour. Report to you testing room by 8:15:
Last Name: Room #:
A-D 210
E-Kl 207
Kr-R 205
S-Z 204
Bring your student ID, No. 2 pencils and a calculator.