Geometry: Went over the 9.2 homework and took notes on 9.3 (reflections), homework is the 9.3 worksheet. 9.1-9.4 quiz is on Tuesday.
Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students finished their college
presentations today. Once they finished, they worked on
Nitrotype. Homework: No homework Discussion topics: What was your overall feeling about the college research projects?
Spanish I: The 2.3 quiz (part 2) will be on Thursday, March 21. The 2.3 (part 2)
worksheet is due then.
Course 3: All classes except for 4th hour have a test on Monday. Extra review starts on page 636 of their textbook. 4th hour test is on Tuesday.
Course 3: All classes except for 4th hour have a test on Monday. Extra review starts on page 636 of their textbook. 4th hour test is on Tuesday.