Welcome Back Everyone!
Science: Today we went over the course syllabus and the general expectations for the school year. Homework is to return the signed syllabus tomorrow. All students who turn their syllabus tomorrow will be entered into a drawing for a free slurpee delivered by Mrs. Petersen during lunch on Friday.
Geometry: Today we went over the course syllabus and the genearl expectations for the school year. Homework is to return the signed syllabus tomorrow. All students who turn their syllabus tomorrow will be entered into a drawing for a free slurpee delivered by Mrs. Petersen during lunch on Friday. We also began our first geometry unit "Where is Math in our World" with the comic proof.
Humanities: Students received textbooks, shared U.S. History KLWs and were introduced to classroom expectations in class. Third hour attended the eighth grade expectations assembly. Homework is to have parents read and sign classroom expectations.
ELA 8 - Please welcome Mrs. Mayrand to our class, she will be the student teacher in room 204 for most of the first semester of the school year. She comes to us from Wayne State University. We discussed basic class information, I handed out the attached letter to be signed and returned by Friday, Sept 7th. Students are to bring in pictures, magazines, words or items to decorate the outside of their Writer's Journal (one of the two composition books listed on the materials list.) for tomorrow. Please remember that students were supposed to read three books over the summer and take an AR quiz on each...these quizzes are slated for this Thursday and Friday...Final submission of Summer Reading quizzes will be next Friday, September 14th.