Geometry: Started chapter 4 with notes on (1.4, relationships in triangles). Homework is the 1.4 worksheet.
Science: Began our unit on Newton's laws of motion with an investigation of how mass affects speed of a car on the track while maintaining constant force. If any students did NOT turn in lab corrections yet they must be turned in tomorrow.
Pre-Algebra: We are having a short quiz tomorrow on 2 step equation solving. Homework is Mid Chapter Quiz review (worksheet-copied from textbook)
Algebra: We passed back the tests today and went over them. Scores were great!! We started investigating absolute value equations. The only "assignments" for today are the extra credit assignment and the PSW #3 corrections. Both are optional-but strongly suggested.
Humanities: Students reviewed 3.1 and 3.2 in class. Students also began to work on 3.3 summaries. Homework is to complete 3.3 summaries. Homework folders are due Friday. ]
Spanish I: If you are writing the poem, it must be written neatly on white or colored paper tonight, or you can type it out in the lab tomorrow. Study for the 1.2 (part 20 quiz on Wed Nov 7
ELA - Students wrote to the attached prompt - then discussed the rules they wrote with their table mates. Each table decided on a few rules that they could all agree were important, and then reported out to the class. Chapters 6-10 Reader's Journals were discussed and the class discussed the important concepts in this chapter section. Homework: Study for Chap 6-10/Vocab Quiz. READ!