Monday, October 10, 2016

Math 8

We took Check-up #2 today and were given the opportunity to re-take the equation solving exit ticket from last week.

You should have previewed Investigation 5.1 after the check-up. Please also check Family Access to see if you are missing any assignments.

8th grade PE assignment 10/10

Physical Education
8th grade Assignment
Compare and contrast the following:
  • PE flag football field and a regulation football field.
  • A kick off and a punt in flag football.
  • Three rules used in a PE flag football game to a regulation football game (excluding kick off, punts and field dimensions).
  • Essay should be informative and 1-2 pages in length.
  • Double check your spelling.
  • A typed paper is preferred but you may hand write it. Must be legible.
This homework is due on Friday, Oct. 14.
You may turn it in before the due date, but it will be late (lower grade) if not turned in when you come to class.


Classwork: Went over the review for tomorrow's test. Students had the opportunity to correct the review and ask questions. 

Homework:  Practice for tomorrow's test. Good study habits include doing much more than just looking over one's notes/homework assignments. Students must PRACTICE what they are doing. Look back to Friday's blog for some proof practice, these links help to think about good study habits.

Spanish 2

Students practiced vocabulary for Unit 5.

Homework: Pg. 49 Vocab. Practice

Vocabulary Quiz: Tuesday, October 18

Dixon LRC

Parent Signature for Weekly Schedule

Canvasser 10.10.16 Canvasser

Happy Monday!

RR ELA- Students turned in their reading logs today. If you did not turn in your reading log, you may do so tomorrow for late points! The new reading log will be on due on Monday (10.17.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes for five days a week. Students must complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math- Students turned in their math packet and multiplication sheet today. If you did not turn one in you may do so tomorrow for late points. Students took their math test today!

* Bring your AR books to class daily and home daily!*

Individuals and Societies-Lyskawa

-Students checked 3.1/3.2 and began to work on 3.3 section assessment in class today.
-Homework is to complete 3.3.