Science (4th & 6th Hours): Played Jeapardy review and worked on review that is due on Thursday. For the review, complete sentences or problem solving boxes are required, the review is found on page 24- Understanding Vocabulary (#7-13), Reviewing Concepts (#8, 10-15, 20, 21, 24 & 25) & Solving Problems (#3-5 & 8-10). The Unit 1 test is scheduled for Tuesday, October 26.
Geometry: Took the unit 2 test. 3.1 notes are homework.
Social Studies: Students shared current events, corrected 4.3 guided reading and worked on 4.4 guided notes in class. Homework is to complete 4.4 notes by Thursday (Tuesday and Wednesday are MEAP days). Quiz review Thursday. Quiz Friday.
LA: Today in class: Students discussed "Nothing but the Truth" They started working on their poetry project which is due 10/26 (see post for Thursday, October 14 for rubric and project directions). They were provided with example books, and materials to use if they choose to do so. HW - read Pg 40-82 in NBTT by 10/21, study for poetry quiz which is this Friday 10/22.