Geometry: Continued practicing completing the square to find the center and radius of a circle. Homework is to finish the Finding the Radius and Center Handout.
RR Math: Work on homework packets, not due this week though. Red group finish any pages we worked on in class that are not finished.
RR ELA: Read daily. Logs due Monday.
Humanities: Students checked 16.1 and began to work on 16.2 section assessment in class. 16.2 is homework.
Algebra: We took a quiz today on chapter 11. homework: factoring practice (all)
ELA - Students conducted their final Book Club for their Historical Fiction Books. They then took their AR quiz and turned in their books. We then began a basic informational meeting on their project for this Unit - Civil War Journalism. Many students have not ready any books other than the Historical Book Club book. I will be entering the percentage of their goal points students have read so far this marking period. This will not effect their grade (it is marked as NO COUNT) but is there as a wake up call. Homework: READ! Journal #4.30. Reader's Workshop Day 13, Writer's Workshop Day 1, Civil War Journalism Organizer & Civil War Project.
Technology - Students checked in their Investigate. This was a credit or no credit check in - meaning I gave feedback on realistic expectations and missing print evidence for expenses/income. All project information including rubric is located on the Google Classroom. Homework: Rough Draft Due Friday, May 1