Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday, December 13

Science: Continued exploring some of the background information related to nuclear energy and hydraulic fracturing. Monday and Tuesday students will begin researching their chosen topic for our cross curricular project with language arts. 

R. Room Math:  Students took a test today and turned in homework.  If you forgot your homework, turn it in Monday for late credit.

C. Reading:  Logs with five completed responses is due on Monday.  This is NOT optional.

Geometry: Discussed using triangle congruence. Homework is to finish the last two practice pages. We will have the test on this unit on Thursday next week.

Algebra - We finished up "Line of Best Fit" today.  Homework: Chapter 5 Review

Humanites: Students worked on Constitution projects in class today. Homework is to complete part one of the project (definition and history of an Amendment). All projects are due Wednesday.  

Chinese: We reviewed Lesson 5 by doing a few exercises, and then have a dictation on words and phrases in characters.

Spanish 2: Study vocab on pg 291 for a quiz after the holiday break.
French I: Study the purple words on your new vocab page for a quiz after the holiday break

ELA - Students should have read and quizzed on three books by now if they are keeping with the "one book every two weeks" schedule. Take home Grammar Summative Assessment was started in class and is due on Monday.  Students may use their homework sheets, they may not get help from the internet or from classmates. We will begin a quick, one week, Reader's Workshop on Informational Text on Monday.  This will help in analyzing our sources for the cross curricular project with Science.

Pre-Algebra: More review of Scientific Notation. 4.5-4.7 Slate Review. 4.5-4.7 "Check Up". No homework

Course 3: Today we reviewed for our quiz.  We have a quiz on lessons 6.1 and 6.2 on Monday. 

Spanish: All documents are in Spanish uploads folder on blog and were posted yesterday as well.  Due Monday-- 1.3 vocabulary practice. Due Wednesday-- Tener sheet; La Familia packet

Quiz- Tuesday, 1.3 vocabulary