Today we had an assembly during 2nd hour to drum up support for the PTA fun run.
Geometry: Went over 1.3 homework and discussed the 1.4 notes (angles). Homework is the 1.4 worksheet. Our first quiz will be on Thursday and will cover sections 1.1-1.4. If you are intersted in ordering a TI Inspire calculator, please click here for the order form. The high school would like all of the orders by Monday.
Science: Mrs. Kettner's 2nd hour did not meet today due to the Fun Run Pep Assembly. Mrs. Petersen's 3rd-7th hours chose to either work on their rough drafts or a scavenger hunt with the science books. All classes will peer review the "Candy Coated Lab" tomorrow, rough drafts must be complete for peer review. Final drafts of the lab are due on Friday. See yesterday's post for a copy of the grading rubric.
Pre-Algebra: Lesson 1.2 Powers and Exponents. Took notes, discussed problem solving strategies. Tomorrow we will have a notebook check to make sure we are staying organized. We will have our first quiz this Friday (sections 1.1-1.4). Homework: 5 word problems on a worksheet. Make sure you show your work and label your answers.
Algebra: Continued lesson 1.3 with a problem solving activity. Tomorrow we will have a notebook check to make sure we are staying organized. Assigned a set of problems "Problem Solving Workshop for lessons 1.1-1.4" which is due at the end of the hour Friday 9/14. Homework: Lesson 1.3 Practice C #1-17 odds. We will have a quiz over those sections this Friday (changed from Thursday as stated yesterday).
Spanish I: Homework: exs1-4, pgs 18-19. Due tomorrow
8th ELA - First Journal Entry, students chose from one of the following prompts: -Explain what you like and dislike about your name. - Would you like to live to be 100 years old? Explain your answer. - Your choice of topic They took AR quizzes, read silently, and completed their study of Test Taking Skills - Vocabulary Assessments. These will be checked tomorrow. Homework: READ! Personal Journal Entry #2.
Humanities: Students shared parent responses to 9-11 questions, finished viewing an interactive timeline and discussed how the United States continues to move forward following this tragic event. Homework is to complete a current event.
Course 3: Today we continued to work on order of operations. Our homework tonight is worksheet 1.4, 1-3 all and 4 - 30 evens. Second hour does not have homework due to the assembly.