Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday, May 31

Science: Played Jeopardy to review for the final exam. Quests were also returned, students can do quest corrections for additional credit. The review for the final is due Monday and Quest corrections are due Tuesday. Final exam is on Tuesday.

Geometry: Took the final exam!!!!

Spanish I: Study guide for the final and the 30 questions for the final are due on Monday. The Spanish final will be on Wednesday and Thursday of next week.

Tech 8 (Stein): 1st and 2nd Hour: Pros and Cons of Technology; 3rd Hour: PowerPoint Activity

Pre-Algebra: We are continuing to review for the Final Exam which will be next week Wednesday and Thursday (June 5,6).  It is a difficult final.  I assigned the last part of the final review.  It is due on Monday!

Algebra: We are continuing to review for our Final Exam which will be next week Wednesday and Thursday (June 5,6).  I have attached the review, it is due on Monday.  We will take a practice test on Monday.

Technology 8: What we did today- Students finished their small business presentations. They invested their money in companies, and the winner gets to plan the class day next Wednesday. Homework No homework

ELA - Students met in the Media Center to learn of the Berkley High 9th Grade Summer Reading requirements.  We then finished We continued our Community Read today by finishing our second short story "Second Culture Kids" by Dian Curtis Regan. We will be reading a story every two days and comparing our lives to the lives of the immigrants, we will then culminate the community read with the "Immigration Experience" planned for June 7th.  A wonderful way to end the year! Homework: READ!!!!! and Journal #47. Remember AR quizzes are due during class on Monday, June 3rd, no late submissions.  I still have many students that have not taken any independent reading quizzes...very scary with only 3 days until 3 quizzes are due!

Course 3: We started to review for our final exam.  It is on June 6th and 7th.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday, May 30

Mrs. Weiss visited 8th grade Language Arts classes today to introduce the Graduation Speech Writing Contest.  Any students interested in speaking at graduation should submit a speech to Mrs. Weiss (speeches can be typed or handwritten).  Speeches are due by the end of lunch on Tuesday, June 4th.  See attached flier for more information.

Geometry: Continued reviewing for the final by filling out our cheat sheets and practice the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines, I've included some links for extra practice. Final is tomorrow! Hotmath practice, Regents Exam Prep, Math Warehouse

Science: Began reviewing for Tuesday's final exam. The review is due on Monday. Students should also be working on the Family Roots project discussed yesterday that coincides with the community read in Language Arts. 

Tech 8 (Stein): 1st Hour: Pros and Cons of Technology; 2nd Hour: Presentations; 3rd Hour: PowerPoint Activity 

Humanities: Students checked 18.2 and discussed 18.3 in class. Homework is to complete 18.3 free choice and offer an opinion on whether or not Reconstruction was successful. Current events are due tomorrow.

ELA - Mrs. Weiss presented the 8th Grade Graduation Speech Contest.  Forms can be found in my room, on her door, and on the blog.  Please consider throwing your hat in the is a great experience. We continued our Community Read today by starting our second short story from the collection First Crossings: Stories about Teen Immigrants edited by Donald R. Gallo.  The story we read today is called "Second Culture Kids" by Dian Curtis Regan and is about the experience of a Venezuelan teen moved to the US when political uprisings cause her step-father's company to evacuate workers and their families.  We will be reading a story every two days and comparing our lives to the lives of the immigrants, we will then culminate the community read with the "Immigration Experience" planned for June 7th.  A wonderful way to end the year! Homework: READ!!!!! and Journal #48 Remember AR quizzes are due during class on Monday, June 3rd, no late submissions.  I still have many students that have not taken any independent reading quizzes...very scary with only 4 days until 3 quizzes are due!

Technology 8: What we did today- Students continued their small business presentations.  We will wrap these up tomorrow and invest our money in the companies we most believe in. Homework- No homework

Algebra: We started reviewing.  I have attached the review packet.  Exam is next Wednesday and Thursday.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday, May 29

Science: Students took the Light Quest and we then discussed the science portion of this year's community read. Students are asked to find out as much as they can about their family's history regarding immigration to the United States. We know that information might be limited, so if students are unable to determine that information we ask that they find out as much as they can about where their family has lived, for how long, reasons for moving, etc... This is a 10 point homework assignment but students can earn extra credit by making a poster of their findings. Reminder- Science final exam is Tuesday, June 4.

Geometry: Went over the final exam review and worked on the formula sheet. We will continue reviewing tomorrow for Friday's final exam.

Tech 8 (Stein): Presentations. All missing work is due May 31.

Humanities: Students checked 18.1 notes, were introduced to 18.2 and watched student news in class today. Homework is to complete 18.2 section assessment. Current events are due Friday.

Pre-Algebra: We took our last chapter test today.  We will now start reviewing for our final exam which will be next Wednesday and Thursday. (June 5 and 6)
Algebra: We took our last chapter test today.  We will now start reviewing for our final exam which will be next Wednesday and Thursday (June 5 and 6)

Spanish I: The 3.2 worksheet passed out yesterday is due tomorrow. Tomorrow is the second part of the 3.2 test: study your stem-changing verbs, the comparison words, and saber versus conocer. Today I passed out the first review sheet for the final. It is due on Monday. The final will be next week on Wednesday and Thursday.

ELA - We continued our Community Read today by finishing our first short story from the collection First Crossings: Stories about Teen Immigrants edited by Donald R. Gallo.  The first story we read is also called "First Crossing" by Pam Munoz Ryan and is about the experience of a Mexican teen coming to the US to work. We then wrote in our journals, comparing and contrasting our lives to the main character, Marco's, life. We will be reading a story every two days and comparing our lives to the lives of the immigrants, we will then culminate the community read with the "Immigration Experience" planned for June 7th.  A wonderful way to end the year! Homework: READ!!!!! and Journal #47. Remember AR quizzes are due during class on Monday, June 3rd, no late submissions.  I still have many students that have not taken any independent reading quizzes...very scary with only 5 days until 3 quizzes are due!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday, May 28

Science: Completed the notes for Light & The Electromagnetic Spectrum, Wavestown worksheet is homework. Tomorrow is the "Quest" for this unit (students can use their notes & worksheets and they will also be able to do corrections for partial credit). The science final is Tuesday, June 4. 

Geometry: Continued working on the review for the final exam. The review packet is due tomorrow, we will go over it tomorrow and Thursday. Final exam is Friday.

Humanities: Students were introduced to chapter 18 and worked on 18.1 summaries in class. Homework is to summarize 18.1. Current events are due Friday.

Spanish I: Study for the 3.2 test tomorrow and Thursday. Stem changing worksheet is due on Thursday.

Tech 8 (Stein): Presentations. All missing work is due May 31.

Pre-Algebra: We did a review today for chapter 9.  We are taking our last chapter test tomorrow!!

Algebra: Our chapter 11 test is tomorrow.  I have posted the practice test and the answers to the chapter 11 practice test on the 8th grade blog. 

From Mrs. Graham:  Also posted are the answers to Multiplying Radical Expressions and Radical Expressions. 

Technology 8 (Orlando) : What we did today- We ran through the final requirements for the small business project. Students finished their required sections and uploaded them to Edmodo.  Homework- Presentations begin tomorrow

ELA - We began our Community Read today by reviewing the history of immigration to the United States and some quotes from immigrants from the early 1900s.  We then began reading our first short story from the collection First Crossings: Stories about Teen Immigrants edited by Donald R. Gallo.  The first story we read is also called "First Crossing" and is about the experience of a Mexican teen coming to the US to work. We will be reading a story every two days and comparing our lives to the lives of the immigrants, we will then culminate the community read with the "Immigration Experience" planned for June 7th.  A wonderful way to end the year! Homework: READ!!!!! and Journal #45

Course 3: Quiz today.  No homework.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday, May 23

Science: Took notes on refraction (the first 3 slides in the attachment), refraction worksheet is homework. Light & Electromagnetic Spectrum "Quest" is Wednesday, May 29 and the science semester final is on Tuesday, June 4. 

Geometry: Took the Chapter 12 test. The first part of the final review was passed out and is due on Wednesday, May 29. 

Spanish I: Study for quiz and test next week. Finish the review worksheet. Due Tuesday.

ELA - Students finished their Grammar study with Grammar 9.4 "Indefinite Pronouns as Subjects" and 9.5 "Problem Subjects".  This packet is due Tuesday, May 28th (due to the 1/2 day and Memorial Day Weekend)....many completed it during class therefor I allowed them to turn the work in so it wouldn't get lost :) Homework: Journal # 44, Grammar 9.4-9.5, READ! Due dates:
June 3rd - 4th Quarter AR Quizzes - 3 Independent books, 1 Class novel

June 4th - Journals - 50 entries - up to 10 extra entries for Extra Credit

Tech 8 (Stein): Presentations

Pre-Algebra: We discussed sets of numbers (real, rational, irrational, etc.).  I assigned a review for the final exam.  Those who bring it back completed on Tuesday will receive 10 points extra credit.(attached)
Algebra: We had a "Radical Day" today!  We reviewed adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and simplifying radicals.  I have attached the Practice Test for chapter 11, and a final exam review for any of you who would like a jump start on that.  

Course 3: We reviewed today for a quiz on Tuesday, May 28th.  No homework

Technology 8: What we did today- We ran through the final requirements for the small business project. Students finished their required sections and uploaded them to Edmodo.  We also signed up for presentation dates. Homework- Presentations begin Tuesday

Humanities: Students received folder grades, reviewed Civil War tests and concluded our study of the Civil War in class. No homework.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday, May 22

Science: Completed Parts of Investigation 23 A & B on lenses and went over the notes from yesterday. Homework is the Law of Reflection worksheet. Light & Electromagnetic Spectrum "Quest" is on May 29, Final Exam is June 4.

Geometry: Went over the practice test and worked on the chapter 12 review odds. Homework is to complete the review. Chapter 12 test is tomorrow, Final exam is May 31.

Spanish I: Study for quiz and test next week. Finish the review worksheet. Due Tuesday.

Humanities: Students completed our Civil War test and turned in homework folders today in class. No homework. No current events this week.

Tech 8 (Stein): Eighth Grade Technology Assessment Survey (not graded)

Course 3: Today we continued to talk about the Pythagorean Theorem.  We finished our worksheet from yesterday for homework.  Most students finished in class.

Technology 8: What we did today- We ran through the final requirements for the small business project.  Students updated business plans, budget sheets, and began compiling all materials into a power point. Homework- Presentations begin Tuesday

ELA - Students worked on subject/verb agreement today with Grammar Packet 9.1-9.3.  They were then given time to read silently or take an AR quiz.  Homework: Grammar 9.1-9.3, Journal #43, READ!

Pre-Algebra: Pythagorean homework.  Evens only.
Algebra: 11.3 (evens only)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday, May 21

Final Exams
Geometry & Choir: May 31
Science: June 4
Algebra & Spanish: June 5 & 6

Science: Students read and took notes on optics and reflection using the jigsaw method. If they finished in class there was an opportunity to answer section review questions for extra credit (attached here). The Light & Electromagnetic Spectrum "Quest" is May 29 and the final exam is Tuesday, June 4.

Geometry: Went over the 12.6 & 12.7 homework and then worked on the chapter 12 practice test. Homework is to complete the practice test. Chapter 12 test is Thursday, May 23 and the final exam is Friday, May 31.

ELA - Students Continued their grammar study with 8.4 - 8.5 "Kinds of Dependent Clauses" and "Compound-Complex Sentences" Homework: Grammar 8.4-8.5 and Journal #42

Humanities: Students reviewed for our Civil War test tomorrow. Homework is to study for the test.

Technology 8 (Orlando):  What we did today Students completed the 8th grade technology survey online.  They then continued working on their business advertisement.  Homework No homework

Spanish I: No homework, other than studying for the quiz and test next week

Course 3: Pythagorean worksheet, #9-14, 19 and 20. 5th hour take home test is due tomorrow.

Tech 8 (Stein): 1st and 3rd Hour: Presentations: 2nd Hour: 5th Grade Research Mentoring

Pre-Algebra: Classifying Triangles worksheet is our homework.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday, May 20

Final Exams
Geometry & Choir - May 31
Science - June 4
Algebra & Spanish- June 5 & 6

Science: Completed Investigation 20-B using prisms and observing a laser reflecting and refracting. Light "Quest" is May 29.

Geometry: Went over the 12.6 notes and took notes on 12.7. Homework is to complete the odd items on both the 12.6 and 12.7 worksheets (#15 is tough, I've attached some of the work I did for this problem). Chapter 12 test is Thursday, May 23. 

Spanish I: Practice the 3.2 questions for the test next week on May 28th/29th

Technology 8: What we did today: Students began determining the best way to advertise their business.  We read an article about choosing the right advertising technique and approach and then brain stormed ideas for our companies. Homework No homework

Humanities: Students checked chapter 17 assessment and worked on a test review for our Civil War test on Wednesday. Test review questions are below. What are some causes of the Civil War?  In your answer, be sure to explain a minimum of three causes. What are some effects of the Civil War?  In your answer, be sure to explain a minimum of three effects. Why did the Union win (Confederacy succeed in) the Civil War?  In your answer be sure to explain a minimum of three strengths of the Union or Confederacy.

ELA - Students resumed their Grammar Study with Clauses, Compound Sentences, and Complex Sentences.  Remember AR Quizzes are due June 3rd (3 Independent and 1 Class Novel). Homework: Grammar 8.1-8.3, Journal # 41, READ!

Tech 8 (Stein): 1st and 3rd Hour: presentations; 2nd hour: Peer Editing and turned in project

Course 3: We talked about rational and irrational numbers.  Homework is worksheet 9.2, # 1-11. 5th hour-homework is worksheet 9.1, odds.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday, May 17

Final Exams
Geometry & Choir- May 31
Science - June 4
Algebra & Spanish - June 5 & 6

Next week is Spirit Week:
Monday - PJ Day
Tuesday - Super Hero Day
Wednesday - Detroit Professional Sports
Thursday - Wacky Tacky Day
Friday - Color Day (8th Grade is RED)
Spirit Assembly

Science: Continued investigating Light by measuring the angle of incidence and angle of reflection when a laser bounces off of a mirror. The Light "Quest" will be on May 29.

Geometry: Took the chapter 12 quiz, homework is the 12.6 notes. The chapter 12 is Thursday, May 23.

Tech 8 (Stein): 1st and 3rd Hour - presentations; 2nd hour - work day.

Humanities: Students checked 17.4, worked on chapter 17 assessment and shared current events in class. Chapter 17 assessment is due Monday.

ELA - Students were given the hour to catch up on reading, take AR quizzes (specifically their With Every Drop of Blood quiz) and catch up on journal entries.  We are in the home stretch, I'm hoping for a strong finish to 8th grade! Homework: READ! AR quizzes are due June 3rd no exceptions.

Spanish I: Ex 1,2,3 & 4 pgs 214-215. Vocab Quiz 3.2 (part 2) on Tuesday, May 28th

Technology 8: What we did today: Students finished working on their business cards, finance sheets, and websites for their small businesses. Homework No homework

Course 3: No homework.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursday, May 16

Final Exams
Geometry & Choir- May 31
Science - June 4
Algebra & Spanish - June 5 & 6

Science: Took a daily science quiz and students began investigating the properties of light with optics tables. No homework. There will not be a test for this unit, we will instead have a "Quest" May 29. This will be followed by 3 days of final exam review with the final on Tuesday, June 4. After the final we will study how the eye works, wrapping up with the eye dissection. 

Geometry: Went over the 12.5 notes (volume of cylinders and cones). Homework is the 12.5 worksheet. Chapter 12 quiz is tomorrow.

Tech 8 (Stein): 1st and 3rd Hour: Presentations; 2nd Hour: Research Mentoring with 5th Grade

Spanish I: Ex 1,2,3 & 4 pgs 214-215

ELA - Students finished their study of Historical Fiction with a discussion on power.  We looked for who held the "power" a different points in the story, discussed power struggles, and hidden power.  With Every Drop of Blood AR quiz is due tomorrow. Homework: READ! Journal entry # 40. Reminder: All AR quizzes are due June 3rd.  Students had a total of 4 due for this marking period, 3 independent reading and 1 class novel.

Pre-algebra : No homework

Algebra : We took our  test today.  No homework.

Technology 8 - OrlandoWhat we did today: Students worked on figuring out the start up costs for their business.  Homework: No homework

Humanities: Students checked 17.3 and worked on 17.4 free choice and chapter 17 assessment in class. Students also had meetings to discuss papers that were graded and handed back today. Homework is to complete 17.4. No current event this week.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Thursday, May 15

Science: Took the Amusement Park Physics Post-Test & began our notes on Light & The Electromagnetic Spectrum. Daily Science Quiz is tomorrow.

Geometry: Completed the 12.5 activity, comparing the volume of pyramids and prisms. Homework is the 12.5 notes.

Humanities: Students checked 17.1/17.2 and worked on 17.3 summaries or section assessments in class. Homework is to complete 17.3. No current events this week.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students continued working on their business websites using Homework: No homework

Tech 8 (Stein): Turn in Family Budget (1st and 3rd hour); Research Mentoring with Mr. Greer's 5th Grade, Project Due 5/20 (2nd Hour)

Spanish I: no homework

ELA - Students continued their study of Historical Fiction with time-lines.  We recognized the correlation between the major events in the story to the major events during the Civil War, reinforcing the historical portion of Historical Fiction. Homework: READ! Journal Entry #38

Algebra: Test tomorrow.  I have attached some practice.  Study!!!! (Chapter 10 Practice test, Answers to chapter 10 practice test, Extra Review)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday, May 13

Students need to arrive at 7:20 tomorrow morning for Cedar Point! 

Science: Today we began our unit on the Electromagnetic Specturm by discussing what students already know about light, then we watched Bill Nye-Light & Optics.

Geometry: Went over the 12.4 homework and took notes on 12.3 (surface area of pyramids & cones). Homework is the 12.3 worksheet. Unit 12 quiz is on Friday.

Tech 8 (Stein): 1st and 3rd Hour: Peer Editing. 2nd Hour: Work Day.

Pre-Algebra: We did a "Crime Scene Investigation" game with simplifying expressions and equation solving.  If that wasn't finished in class, it is homework.  Tomorrow is the Cedar Point trip, so we will not meet.

Algebra: We debriefed on the IB Box problem, went over homework from last Thursday, did some review problems, and discussed the upcoming test.  The practice test (attached) is due on Wednesday, and our chapter test will be on Thursday.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students began working on their business websites using Homework: No homework. Discussion topics: What design did you select for your website?

Spanish I: 11 sentences comparing sports are due on Wednesday. Next quiz will be Tuesday May 28 (on all the verbs on pg 217 and the comparison words)

ELA - Students continued their study of Historical Fiction.  Their novel With Every Drop of Blood should be finished.  If the students did not finish it they will have time the next few days to finish their reading during class. Homework: Read, Journal Entry

Course 3: Today we worked on dilating figures using a given scale factor.  Homework is worksheet 8.8, all. 5th Hour- homework is similar figures sheet, # 1-18.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thursday, May 9

Science: Discussed the schedule and details for Legacy Day and Cedar Point. 

Geometry: Went over the 12.2 notes (surface area of prisms and cylinders). Homework is the 12.2 worksheet. 

Tech 8 (Stein): 1st and 3rd Hour: Family Budget Project Work Day (due May 13), 2nd Hour: Research Mentoring with Mr. Greer's 5th Grade (Family Budget Project due May 20)

ELA - Day 6 Reader's Workshop: Students remembered to look at the story from a different point of view or perspective to gain a deeper meaning of the message the author is sending.  We then began reading the final pages of the book!  If your student is behind in their reading they should be doing that over the weekend, no work due for tomorrow as it is LEGACY DAY! Homework: Read Chaps 13-14, Journal Entry #34 

Spanish I:: Ex 15 & 16 pg 209. Due Monday. 3.2 vocab worksheet is due Monday. 3.2 vocab quiz on Monday.

Pre-Algebra: We finished our testing today.  No homework.

Algebra: Finished our last section today.  Homework: 10.8 (evens). Attached is the review received today.  It is due next Wednesday. Test on Thursday.

Course 3: Students took an algebra aptitude test.  No homework.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wednesday, May 8

Science: Students helped with Cedar Point organization.

Geometry: Went over the 12.1 homework and completed the 12.2 activity. Homework is the first page of 12.2 notes.

Humanities: Students continued our investigation of the Civil War in class today. No homework. No current events this week.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students continued working on their business plans. They worked on designing a logo for their brand and created a layout for their office or store front. Homework: No homework. Discussion topics: What logo did you come up with?

Humanities: Students continued our investigation of the Civil War in class today. No homework. No current events this week.

ELA - Students were given the hour to catch up on reading, entering journals, or hand in late Grammar work. Homework: Read Chap 11& 12, Journal Entry #32

Tech 8 (Stein): 1st and 3rd Hour: Family Budget Project Work Day (due May 13), 2nd Hour: Research Mentoring with Mr. Greer's 5th Grade (Family Budget Project due May 20

Course 3: Students did a word problem sheet.  It is homework if it was not finished.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesday, May 7

Science: Continued our discussion of amusement park physics by going over the reading and answering some questions with great short answers. T-Shirts were passed out, students should wear these for Legacy Day and Cedar Point. 

Geometry: Went over the 12.1 notes, 12.1 worksheet is homework. 

Spanish I: Ex 12 7 14 pgs 207-208. Due tomorrow. 3.2 vocab packet due Monday, May 13th. 3.2 quiz on Monday, May 13th

ELA - Students continued their study of Historical Fiction by delving more deeply into the significance of the events in With Every Drop of Blood. Why did the author write this story, why are the events described as they are?  Their second homework journal assignment looks more deeply at the "All men are created eagles" (p120) conversation.Homework: Read chapters 11 & 12, "Eagles" Journal Entry # 31

Humanities: Students checked 16.3 and turned in homework folders in class. No homework. No current events this week.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday, May 6

Science: Amusement park physics continues today with a reading on how the conditions experienced on particular types of rides relates to conditions experienced by NASA astronauts and pilots.

Geometry: Went over the chapter 11 test and completed the 12.1 activity. Homework is the 12.1 notes.

Humanities: Students checked 16.1/16.2 and worked on 16.3 section assessment in class. Homework is to complete 16.3. Homework folders are due tomorrow.

Tech 8 (Stein): Family Budget Project Work Day

Spanish I: Ex 5,6,8 9 & 10, pgs 204-205. due tomorrow. 3.2 vocab worksheet and sentences. Due Monday, May 13th 3.2 Quiz on Monday, May 13th.

ELA - Students continued their work with Historical Fiction by making connections with the characters, looking for similarities and parallel experiences.  They are to summarize The Gettysburg Address (pg 234) and give their opinion of the speech as a homework journal entry. Homework: READ!  Gettysburg Address journal entry #29 

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students began writing their business plan today.  We completed the basic business information and pricing.  Tomorrow we will write a mission statement and begin to think about how we will communicate our business to customers.  Homework: No homework. Discussion topics: Have you come up with a catchy name for your business yet?

Pre-Algebra: Chapter 7 test tomorrow!!
Algebra: Quadratic Formula worksheet (1-5)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday, May 3

Geometry: Took the chapter 11 test, no homework.

Science: Began our discussion of Amusement Park physics today with a Pre-Test and video. Tests were returned. No homework. 

Tech 8 (Stein): How to Cite a Site - Website citation activity

Spanish I: Verb conjugations are due on Monday. 3.2 vocab sheet is due on Mon, May 13th, the same day as the vocab quiz.

Humanities: Students checked 16.2, shared current events and began to work on 16.3 section assessment (please pay special attention to the time line!). 16.3 is due Tuesday. Homework folders are due Tuesday.

ELA - Students discussed Day 3 in our study of Historical Fiction.  We discussed setting and the way it changes throughout the story.  Students used "Stop and Jot" skills to keep track of important details related to the setting and the time period of the book. Homework: READ Chapters 7 & 8

Pre-Algebra: We started reviewing today.  Compound interest is challenging.  Assignment:  Practice Test (1-30) and Standardized Test (1-11).  We started working in class.  Whatever is not complete is homework.  Test will be on Tuesday. Have a great weekend!

Algebra: Solving Quadratics!  We are on our 3rd method of solving quadratics.  We did section 10.5 extension today.  Homework: evens only (attached)  Have a great weekend!

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: We discussed the basic requirements for the final project of the year - to create a small business. Homework: Students must come prepared with their business idea on Monday. Discussion topics: What kind of product or service do you think you will offer with your business?

Course 3: Today we started to talk about similar figures.  Homework is a similar figures sheet, 1 - 24. 2nd and 5th hour-No homework.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Thursday, May 2

Geometry: Went over the practice test for chapter 11, homework is the chapter 11 review odds. Test is tomorrow.

Science: Took the Waves & Sound Test. No homework.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students worked on their Family Budget reflection paper and uploaded it to Edmodo. Homework: Reflection is due Friday. Discussion topics: What would you do differently next time on the project?

Tech 8 (Stein): Family Budget Work Day. Project Due: May 13 (1st and 3rd hour), May 20 (2nd hour; this hour is research mentoring with Mr. Greer's 5th grade class Wednesday and Thursday the next two weeks). May calendars and project rubrics can be found on

Humanities: Students checked were introduced to chapter 16, checked 16.1 and worked on 16.2 in class. Homework is to complete 16.2 section assessment and a current event for tomorrow.

Spanish I: Conjugate all sterm changing verbs. Due tomorrow 3.2 vocab worksheet and sentences. due May 13th. Quiz on the 3.2 words on May 13th

Course 3: Students took their quiz. 2nd and 5th hours reviewed for their quiz tomorrow.

ELA - Students continued their Reader's Workshop on Historical Fiction by questioning why characters behaved in certain ways or if they changed their reactions to events in the plot. Homework: Read chap 5-6 and Journal entry #26

Pre-Algebra: The Video Game project is due tomorrow.  Also, 7.7 (1-9 odd)

Algebra: Quadratic worksheet.  Students can choose any 6 on each side.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wednesday, May 1

Science:  We checked the review, homework is to study for the test tomorrow.

Geometry: Went over 11.7 and worked on the practice test. Homework is the practice test, chapter 11 test is Friday.

Quiz today: 2nd and 5th hour-Quiz Friday.

Tech 8 (Stein): Work day for Family Budget (finish research, Excel, presentation)

Spanish I: 3.2 new vocab worksheet is due on Monday May 13th.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students presented their family budget projects. We will continue tomorrow. Homework: No homework. Discussion topics: Whose project stood out to you today?  Why?

Pre-Algebra: No official homework.  Remember that the video game project is due on Friday!
Algebra: Homework:  Page 666 (12-48 multiples of 4)