Thursday, May 2, 2013

Thursday, May 2

Geometry: Went over the practice test for chapter 11, homework is the chapter 11 review odds. Test is tomorrow.

Science: Took the Waves & Sound Test. No homework.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students worked on their Family Budget reflection paper and uploaded it to Edmodo. Homework: Reflection is due Friday. Discussion topics: What would you do differently next time on the project?

Tech 8 (Stein): Family Budget Work Day. Project Due: May 13 (1st and 3rd hour), May 20 (2nd hour; this hour is research mentoring with Mr. Greer's 5th grade class Wednesday and Thursday the next two weeks). May calendars and project rubrics can be found on

Humanities: Students checked were introduced to chapter 16, checked 16.1 and worked on 16.2 in class. Homework is to complete 16.2 section assessment and a current event for tomorrow.

Spanish I: Conjugate all sterm changing verbs. Due tomorrow 3.2 vocab worksheet and sentences. due May 13th. Quiz on the 3.2 words on May 13th

Course 3: Students took their quiz. 2nd and 5th hours reviewed for their quiz tomorrow.

ELA - Students continued their Reader's Workshop on Historical Fiction by questioning why characters behaved in certain ways or if they changed their reactions to events in the plot. Homework: Read chap 5-6 and Journal entry #26

Pre-Algebra: The Video Game project is due tomorrow.  Also, 7.7 (1-9 odd)

Algebra: Quadratic worksheet.  Students can choose any 6 on each side.

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