Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday, May 28

Science: Completed the notes for Light & The Electromagnetic Spectrum, Wavestown worksheet is homework. Tomorrow is the "Quest" for this unit (students can use their notes & worksheets and they will also be able to do corrections for partial credit). The science final is Tuesday, June 4. 

Geometry: Continued working on the review for the final exam. The review packet is due tomorrow, we will go over it tomorrow and Thursday. Final exam is Friday.

Humanities: Students were introduced to chapter 18 and worked on 18.1 summaries in class. Homework is to summarize 18.1. Current events are due Friday.

Spanish I: Study for the 3.2 test tomorrow and Thursday. Stem changing worksheet is due on Thursday.

Tech 8 (Stein): Presentations. All missing work is due May 31.

Pre-Algebra: We did a review today for chapter 9.  We are taking our last chapter test tomorrow!!

Algebra: Our chapter 11 test is tomorrow.  I have posted the practice test and the answers to the chapter 11 practice test on the 8th grade blog. 

From Mrs. Graham:  Also posted are the answers to Multiplying Radical Expressions and Radical Expressions. 

Technology 8 (Orlando) : What we did today- We ran through the final requirements for the small business project. Students finished their required sections and uploaded them to Edmodo.  Homework- Presentations begin tomorrow

ELA - We began our Community Read today by reviewing the history of immigration to the United States and some quotes from immigrants from the early 1900s.  We then began reading our first short story from the collection First Crossings: Stories about Teen Immigrants edited by Donald R. Gallo.  The first story we read is also called "First Crossing" and is about the experience of a Mexican teen coming to the US to work. We will be reading a story every two days and comparing our lives to the lives of the immigrants, we will then culminate the community read with the "Immigration Experience" planned for June 7th.  A wonderful way to end the year! Homework: READ!!!!! and Journal #45

Course 3: Quiz today.  No homework.

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