Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursday, May 16

Final Exams
Geometry & Choir- May 31
Science - June 4
Algebra & Spanish - June 5 & 6

Science: Took a daily science quiz and students began investigating the properties of light with optics tables. No homework. There will not be a test for this unit, we will instead have a "Quest" May 29. This will be followed by 3 days of final exam review with the final on Tuesday, June 4. After the final we will study how the eye works, wrapping up with the eye dissection. 

Geometry: Went over the 12.5 notes (volume of cylinders and cones). Homework is the 12.5 worksheet. Chapter 12 quiz is tomorrow.

Tech 8 (Stein): 1st and 3rd Hour: Presentations; 2nd Hour: Research Mentoring with 5th Grade

Spanish I: Ex 1,2,3 & 4 pgs 214-215

ELA - Students finished their study of Historical Fiction with a discussion on power.  We looked for who held the "power" a different points in the story, discussed power struggles, and hidden power.  With Every Drop of Blood AR quiz is due tomorrow. Homework: READ! Journal entry # 40. Reminder: All AR quizzes are due June 3rd.  Students had a total of 4 due for this marking period, 3 independent reading and 1 class novel.

Pre-algebra : No homework

Algebra : We took our  test today.  No homework.

Technology 8 - OrlandoWhat we did today: Students worked on figuring out the start up costs for their business.  Homework: No homework

Humanities: Students checked 17.3 and worked on 17.4 free choice and chapter 17 assessment in class. Students also had meetings to discuss papers that were graded and handed back today. Homework is to complete 17.4. No current event this week.

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