Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday, May 22

Science: Completed Parts of Investigation 23 A & B on lenses and went over the notes from yesterday. Homework is the Law of Reflection worksheet. Light & Electromagnetic Spectrum "Quest" is on May 29, Final Exam is June 4.

Geometry: Went over the practice test and worked on the chapter 12 review odds. Homework is to complete the review. Chapter 12 test is tomorrow, Final exam is May 31.

Spanish I: Study for quiz and test next week. Finish the review worksheet. Due Tuesday.

Humanities: Students completed our Civil War test and turned in homework folders today in class. No homework. No current events this week.

Tech 8 (Stein): Eighth Grade Technology Assessment Survey (not graded)

Course 3: Today we continued to talk about the Pythagorean Theorem.  We finished our worksheet from yesterday for homework.  Most students finished in class.

Technology 8: What we did today- We ran through the final requirements for the small business project.  Students updated business plans, budget sheets, and began compiling all materials into a power point. Homework- Presentations begin Tuesday

ELA - Students worked on subject/verb agreement today with Grammar Packet 9.1-9.3.  They were then given time to read silently or take an AR quiz.  Homework: Grammar 9.1-9.3, Journal #43, READ!

Pre-Algebra: Pythagorean homework.  Evens only.
Algebra: 11.3 (evens only)

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